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Video Game Sales Dashboard

This data analysis project presents a powerful dashboard designed specifically for video game businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of video game sales worldwide. With intuitive filters and comprehensive data visualizations, this dashboard offers users a detailed view of their performance metrics, enabling them to discover valuable insights in an easy and efficient manner. Whether you are a business owner, analyst, or marketer, this dashboard serves as a valuable tool for driving growth and making informed decisions.

Dashboard Overview:

The dashboard showcases the most significant trends and figures related to video game sales, providing users with a quick and comprehensive overview of their business performance. Through interactive filters, users have the ability to apply specific criteria and consult various graphs to gain deeper insights into their data. This enables them to track key performance indicators, identify emerging trends, and make data-driven decisions that can lead to growth and success in the video game industry.

Tools Used:

To create this dynamic dashboard, two key tools were utilized:

-Excel for Data Cleaning and Analytics: Excel was employed for data cleaning and analysis tasks, ensuring that the dataset used in the dashboard is accurate and reliable. It enables users to perform calculations, apply formulas, and manipulate the data as needed to generate valuable insights.

-Tableau for Data Visualization: Tableau, a powerful data visualization tool, was used to develop the interactive and visually appealing dashboard. Tableau allows users to create visually compelling charts, graphs, and interactive filters, making it easier to explore and understand complex datasets. The resulting visualizations enable users to quickly identify trends, patterns, and outliers, facilitating informed decision-making and driving business growth.

By leveraging Excel for data cleaning and analytics, and Tableau for data visualization, this project provides video game businesses with a powerful dashboard that enables them to gain insights, track performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions to propel their growth and success in the industry.

Dashboard link:

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