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Exploring COVID-19 Data using Python and SQL

This data analysis project aims to gain valuable insights into the COVID-19 pandemic by leveraging a large dataset. By utilizing SQL queries, Python (pandas), and Tableau for data visualization, we explore various aspects of COVID-19, providing crucial information for businesses and public health strategies.


The primary objectives of this data analysis project are as follows:

-Explore and analyze the relationship between COVID-19 cases and deaths.
-Determine the percentage of the population infected by COVID-19.
-Identify countries with the highest infection rates and death counts.
-Analyze global COVID-19 statistics.

These goals allow us to understand the dynamics of the pandemic, assess its impact on different regions and populations, and extract meaningful insights that can inform decision-making.

Tools Used and Their Purpose:

-SQL Queries: SQL (Structured Query Language) is employed to extract, organize, and manipulate the COVID-19 dataset. It allows us to perform various operations such as joining tables, aggregating data, and creating views, enabling efficient analysis and retrieval of relevant information.

-Python (pandas): Python, specifically the pandas library, is utilized for data preprocessing, manipulation, and analysis. With pandas, we can clean and transform the dataset, perform calculations, and derive descriptive statistics, providing insights into the COVID-19 data.

-Tableau Data Visualization: Tableau is employed to create interactive and visually appealing charts, graphs, and maps that present our findings in a user-friendly manner. Data visualization enhances the communication of complex patterns and trends, making it easier for stakeholders to comprehend the information and draw meaningful conclusions.

By leveraging these powerful tools, we gain comprehensive insights into the COVID-19 pandemic, assisting businesses in adapting their operations and supply chains, as well as aiding in the formulation of effective public health strategies.

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